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Sold JLG 6RS Electric Scissor Lift - Congleton, Cheshire


(Order Code: 3583)

This NEW JLG 6RS is specifically designed to be low maintenance through its innovative improved design over the ES series.

The RS has a passive pothole system resulting in no moving parts and eliminating the need for maintenance or repair, a newly and simpler designed sliding deck and direct drive to deliver industry leading duty cycles.

The design has minimal leak points, reduces hydraulic hoses and easy accessible battery storage with no pull out draws.

The latest and simplest to own electric scissor lift capable of lifting 2 persons and their tools to a total load of 230KG

Outreach is 0.71m, working height is 7.8m.

To discuss this machine, or delivery options please call Easy2reach on 07866 353535, and we will be happy to help.

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Delivery notes

To discuss this machine, or delivery options please call Easy2reach on 07866 353535, and we will be happy to help.

We have an extensive list of nationwide Hauliers and can arrange delivery to your location. Alternatively we are setup to load at our location in Congleton, Cheshire onto a variety of vehicles.

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Price: Sold
