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Throne Chairs - Traditionaly the chair for the King and Queen or Pope or bishop on ceremonial occasions. They were often placed on raised platform to give more status (or a better view).

However now they are often used for weddings for the bride and groom, expecialy for Indian weddings on a Mandap.(traditional Hindu or Jain structure, normaly with pillars - A type of cerimonial stage) 

Chairs have historicaly been used to define status. Children sit on the floor, teatchers on chairs. Benchers were for the common people and indervidual chairs used for the Gentry. So the logical extention to this is the trone the grandest and most important chair in the Kingdom. 

Two beautiful Victorian, reupholstered throne chairs.
Excellent condition.

£325 VAT Free ono each

| Quantity: 2
Pair of wedding chairs
Gold and cream
Good condition
1200mm high x 660mm wide

£520 +VAT

| Quantity: 2
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