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MODELS: CB930BCC663CC666CD080CD081CD082CD083CD084CD230CD239-03CD612CD616CE217CF761CK640CT424CW195CW198DA462DA463DA464DB332DB843DB950DF655DL914DL916DN492-02FA440FA441FA854FA855G SeriesG-SeriesG379G592-02G593G594G594-02G595G597G598G599G600G622GC889GD874GD879GD881GD883GE580GE581GE769GE999GG762GG763GH339GH429GH507GJ448GL006GL007GL011GL013GL017GL185GL189GL192U-SeriesU300660U634U638UA010UA013UA014UA015UA016UA020UA032
This multideck made by Polar is designed to meet the rigorous demands of any commercial business. With an automatic defrost system ensuring consistent performance and hygiene, this multideck combine’s functionality with aesthetic appeal, ensuring your establishment not only runs efficiently but also looks professional. Constructed from high-quality stainless steel and toughened safety glass, this chilled display is built for durability and its 10mm insulation ensures optimum temperature retention. Other features of this multideck include, user-friendly digital temperature controls and display, three sturdy adjustable shelves maximise storage capacity, lockable castors facilitate easy positioning and pull down night blind. Ideal for use in any professional business.

£495 +VAT

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