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MODELS: CB930BCC663CC666CD080CD081CD082CD083CD084CD230CD239-03CD612CD616CE217CF761CK640CT424CW195CW198DA462DA463DA464DB332DB843DB950DF655DL914DL916DN492-02FA440FA441FA854FA855G SeriesG-SeriesG379G592-02G593G594G594-02G595G597G598G599G600G622GC889GD874GD879GD881GD883GE580GE581GE769GE999GG762GG763GH339GH429GH507GJ448GL006GL007GL011GL013GL017GL185GL189GL192U-SeriesU300660U634U638UA010UA013UA014UA015UA016UA020UA032
New B Grade Polar GL189 Back Bar Cooler Wine Fridge. Versatile and durable, the Polar U-Series under counter bar fridge is the ideal solution for any busy bar or pub. By combining four shelves and eight bottle storage compartments that can be used for wine, spirits, mixers and syrups, there's plenty of capacity for your most-accessed beverages and ingredients. The powerful, forced-air cooling system provides reliable refrigeration around the entire unit - ensuring the contents are stored at the same temperature, no matter where they are positioned in the fridge.

£900 +VAT

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