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MODELS: CB930BCC663CC666CD080CD081CD082CD083CD084CD230CD239-03CD612CD616CE217CF761CK640CT424CW195CW198DA462DA463DA464DB332DB843DB950DF655DL914DL916DN492-02FA440FA441FA854FA855G SeriesG-SeriesG379G592-02G593G594G594-02G595G597G598G599G600G622GC889GD874GD879GD881GD883GE580GE581GE769GE999GG762GG763GH339GH429GH507GJ448GL006GL007GL011GL013GL017GL185GL189GL192U-SeriesU300660U634U638UA010UA013UA014UA015UA016UA020UA032
A fantastic combination of large capacity chilled storage alongside a highly durable work counter, the Polar G-Series three door counter fridge is a great space-saving chiller for the professional kitchen.
Whether it’s used as a main prep station, or simply as vital additional storage, the Polar counter fridge is a great choice.
With powerful cooling and advanced insulation, the fridge efficiently ensures your ingredients are kept at the perfect storage temperature, all controlled by an intuitive digital touch panel.

£695 +VAT

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